My Brother’s Keeper

From our friend Sandra Kelly, Director of Student Services at Belhaven’s Jackson LeFleur Campus:

Dear beloved, as you read this blog, I want you to know one important thing, “You are my brother and sister in Christ and I am yours…” According to society, we are supposed to be in competition with one another, down-talking, jealous of and hating each other. However, as men and women of God and fellow members of the Belhaven University Family, a Christian principled institution, instead of operating the way the world expects, we are to walk in love towards one another and keep each other uplifted. We are our brothers’ keepers.

Today I prayed for you, my brother and sister! I prayed for those who lost sleep last night as you paced the floor wondering how your bills are going to get paid. 

I prayed for you, my brother and sister, as you battle anxiety, insecurities and loneliness, not only from a personal perspective, but educationally. It is so easy to become frustrated and stressed-out when all of our efforts at achieving greatness seem to falter. Situations like that seem problematic to us, but are just right for God. After all, our Abba is the “Problem Solver!”

Finally, I prayed for you, my brother and sister,  as you deal with past hurts, pains, and perhaps forgiveness, I prayed for you to be released, and for you to release those hurts, that pain, those who transgressed against you. 

By now I know you’re thinking…..“But, you don’t even know me!” And you are right. I do not; however, I prayed for you, my brother and sister without calling your name….Why? Because I am your keeper! Isn’t that what I am supposed to do? That’s how things are supposed to be, right? Shouldn’t I be your keeper? As you being a spouse, parent, friend, church/community leader, and student, I should be there to encourage you when you need it.

After you have studied countless hours and still end up failing your test, shouldn’t I pick you up when you falter? Should not I be able to speak life into your situation? As a child of God, I have that obligation to do these things. As Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

As Christian brothers and sisters, we of all people must be keepers of one another. When you lean, know that I will be there standing beside you to lift you up. When you struggle in your classes, I will be there to encourage you every step of the way. When you cry, I will offer my sleeve to wipe your tears. When you talk, I will offer my ears to listen. When you need a comforting word, I will offer my voice as a vessel of God’s Word. When you are going through rough times, I will be standing in front of you to offer my arms for a hug. And when you need me to just be there, I will do that too. You will hear me saying, “Don’t give up on God, because He will not give up on you!” I will do all of these things….Why? Because I am my brother and sister’s keeper!
