“Love is the Greatest,” Dr. Roger Parrott, Belhaven University, Jackson, MS 11-3-15

Dr. Parrott speaks on the power of love and how love has been used by Dr. Billy Kim in South Korea in his ministry. Dr. Parrott explores how God uses a small act of total love and sacrifice to the glory of His kingdom.

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13



“What about eternal life?” Rev. Seth Starkey, 10.27.15

Mr. Seth Starkey, the RUF Campus Minister, talks about Eternal Life.

“Every single thing you do in this life, is you trying to answer these ultimate questions. Everything you do in this life is you pursuing an answer to the question: what about eternal life, what about me, how do I receive it? Is Eternal Life really that elusive?”

Luke 10:25-37


“Love is Visionary”, Dr. Roger Parrott, Belhaven University, Jackson, MS 9-29-15

Dr. Roger Parrott speaks on how deep God’s love is for us, no matter who we are.

“There’s not one thing in this world I can do to make God love me any more, and there’s not one thing in this world I can do to make God love me any less. He loves me because of His grace.”

1 Corinthians (13:8)


Dr. Brad Smith, Director of Adult and Online Psychology Programs 9-22-15

Dr. Brad Smith talks about the issue of childhood sexual abuse and the impact it has had in the Christian community. “For centuries, even going back to Biblical times and before, there has been within societies and individuals a powerful pervasive force to deny and keep quiet the reality of sexual abuse.”

“God knows what sexual abuse does, and He hates it.” Diane Langburg

2 Samuel Chapter 13 (verses 10-20)

1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men are survivors of childhood sexual abuse.


Ms. Sherye Simmons-Green – Author, former Miss Mississippi 9-15-15

The writings of Sherye Simmons-Green reflect her journey of faith. She spoke to the Belhaven Students about “Hunting Elephants in the Dark.” Speaking on the history of our great nation, especially on the Westward Expansion of the mid 1800’s, she emphasizes Corinthians (1:13) as “one of the foundational principles of the Christian life.”

“Even minor irritations in our day-to-day routine can grow to elephant sized proportions if left to themselves.”
