Belhaven University Chapel Series: 2/28/17 “30 Day Kindness Challenge” Ms. Shaunti Feldhahn

Ms. Shaunti Feldhahn speaks about the power that kindness has on others, and on ourselves. She states that choosing to be kind helps with our relationships, not because others treat us better, but because through kindness the light of God shines through.


Belhaven University Chapel Series: 2/21/17 “I believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” Dr. Roger Parrott

Dr. Roger Parrott tells the story of the Transfiguration on the Mountain and how it pertains to doubt and belief in our own lives. He tells us of what doubts we might have, but also why he believes in God and Jesus.


Belhaven University Chapel Series: 2/14/17 “Who Are You?” Ms. Nancy Stafford

Successful actor and author Nancy Stafford explains why you should stay true to yourself. God knew you before you were born and has plans for you. You were created for a divine purpose and can do anything through Him because He gives you strength.


Belhaven University Chapel Series: 2/07/17 “Missing Out” Dr. Josh Straub

Dr. Josh Straub challenges us to examine our lives for idolatry towards our technology and cell phones. He discusses the importance of not “missing out” because we were too distracted by what is going on on social media. Humanity craves connection and stillness, something that we will not find from our cell phones.
