Mayfair Affair — Production Pictures

Hey , check out our production pictures from the Mayfair Affair.  If you would like to purchase prints or downloads from this production CLICK HERE.

Pining forSam Ingersoll

Saaaaaaaammmmmmm Innngersollllll !!

Who else is here?

No she can't stay here.

Nooooooooooo !!!

I thought I heard someone else here?

Murder in the Cathedral Production Pictures

Well another Spring semester has come to a close.  But before it did we mounted, presented, & have now struck our production of Murder in the Cathedral.  Please check out our pictures here.

Also a huge THANK YOU!!  to our photographer — Merianne Dietrich  of   Merianne Dietrich Photography — please stop by her site and check out all her albums, and check her out on Facebook as well.

Murder in the Cathedral

Knights mocking Thomas in Murder in the Cathedral

If a Picture is Worth a 1000 Words — How many words in a 1000 Pictures?

We have been working hard to update our website and revamp much of the information on it but as that is still a work in progress we can share with you some of the pictures from shows that we have uploaded to Flikr.

Here are some of them… (in no particular chronological order)

Stay tuned for more to come both on Flikr and on our website. Please leave comments if you see something you like! 🙂