Does Your Stuff Own You?

I’ve just started distributing an expanded version of these Proverbs through my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulling Life which can be found wherever you get your podcasts – enjoy!

This may be one of the more difficult proverbs for Americans. After all, the American dream is all partially about owning stuff. Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with owning stuff. The problem comes when your stuff begins to own you; when it dictates how you spend your free time and your discretionary money; when that stuff takes the place of God in your life or detracts from your ability to worship Him with your time or money.

For more on this check out the short video below.


Don’t Sell Yourself Short

I’ve just started distributing an expanded version of these Proverbs through my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulling Life which can be found wherever you get your podcasts – enjoy!

Have you ever noticed that throughout history it is the right person, at the right time, in the right place which has made all the difference? It is true! Not only is the Bible full of examples like that, e.g. Noah, Moses, David, Paul, and many, many others, not the least of which was Esther. In fact she was at a key point in the history of the Jewish people that was literally life and death for the entire Jewish race across the known world. Her uncle, Mordecai told her “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

For more on this check out the short video below:

Bad Company Corrupts

I’ve just started distributing an expanded version of these Proverbs through my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulling Life which can be found wherever you get your podcasts – enjoy!

Paul writes in the book of 1 Corinthians “Bad Company corrupts good character.” (15:33) Another saying goes, “one bad apple spoils the whole barrel.” Both of these sayings are experiential proverbs that point to the direct connection between who we associate with, and how they influence our behavior. To be more explicit: Your friends are going to have a powerful influence on your own character and behavior.

For more on this check out the short video below:

Garbage in / Garbage out

I’ve just started distributing an expanded version of these Proverbs through my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulling Life which can be found wherever you get your podcasts – enjoy!

Garbage in/Garbage out is an older phrase introduced in the early days of computer programming. It meant that if your programming was bad, garbage in, then your output would also be bad, garbage out. This phrase has also been applied to people, as well. Health-wise the phrase “you are what you eat” reflects the same awareness that our diet affects our overall health and physical well-being. The concept also finds a parallel in how we think.

For more on this check out the short video below:




Saying No

I’ve just started distributing an expanded version of these Proverbs through my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulling Life which can be found wherever you get your podcasts – enjoy!

In 2014 CVS Pharmacy said NO to carrying tobacco products. Their announcement included this sentence: “The sale of tobacco products is inconsistent with our purpose – helping people on their path to better health.” Their decision was definitely controversial and cost the company $2 billion a year in direct sales. Having the guts to say NO to anything can be difficult, saying no to $2 billion dollars requires a laser-like focus on your core principles. Saying NO, and meaning it, comes more easily to some than others, but it can be easier for anyone if they know their core values and place them before any other consideration.

For more on this check out the short video below: