You are a Steward

The Bible says that you and I are created in the image of God. While the actual implications of that are vague, the significance can’t be overlooked. I want to add to being created in the image of God an intersection with this quote: “with great power comes great responsibility.” Whether you attribute this saying to Voltaire, who said it first, or Peter Parker, who is most famous for the quote in current times, there is an obvious burden that exists when taken in light of our creation in the image of God.

For more on this check out the short video below and be sure to subscribe to my podcast Proverbs for Living a Fulfilling Life.

Taking the Easy Road

So, I was talking with a young lady the other day. She is an LPN and working for a home care agency. I asked her about her plans for her future. She responded that she was applying for nursing school. When I asked where, she mentioned a school that was over an hour away. I asked about other schools that were closer and why she chose that particular school. She responded, “I know it is farther away but everyone says it is a lot easier than any of the schools nearby.”

For more on this check out the short video below and be sure to subscribe to my podcast: Proverbs for Living a Fulfilling Life


Fight of the Two Wolves

The story of the two wolves is so often repeated it is hard to determine where it originated. Basically, it goes like this. A man is teaching his grandson about life and tells him that he has two wolves fighting inside of him, one is evil and expresses itself in anger, envy, greed, arrogance, bigotry, self-pity, lies, and depravity. The other wolf is good and expresses itself in joy, peace, hope, love, kindness, humility, benevolence, generosity, truth and compassion. The grandson looks at his grandfather and, after considering what he has been told, asks “which wolf will win?”

For more on this check out the short video below and be sure to subscribe to my podcast: Proverbs for Living a Fulfilling Life

Credit and You

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I allowed myself to fall into credit card debt to the tune of thousands of dollars when I was younger. At first I was so impressed that I qualified for a credit card that it made me feel important that I had it, and powerful when I used it. As I began to see the debt climb, I told myself that I would reserve it for emergency situations only, but I found that almost everything could be rationalized as an emergency with the right argument

For more on this check out the short video below and be sure to subscribe to my podcast: Proverbs for Living a Fulfilling Life.