5 Tips for College Freshmen


Every college freshman that walks onto the Belhaven campus this August 15th will face a temptation to turn and run. Why? College is new and exciting, but it’s also intimidating and scary. As a former BC college freshman myself, here are a few tips on making your transition to college a smooth one:

1. Pack smart. Instead of having a vague notion that you’re not allowed to bring incense or toaster ovens to your residence hall, check with Student Life on what’s allowed/forbidden. The Belhaven Office of Student Life newsletter has this information, so make sure you and your parents read it BEFORE packing the car and driving 8 hours!

2. Let go. College is a great time to start fresh. You don’t have to cling to your high school identity any more than you have to cling to your pet hampster (which is not allowed in the dorm). I’m not saying drop all ties to your family and high school friends, but I am saying that Belhaven is a great place to grow into who you want to be, not stay in the same old high school categories.

3. Be open. With 70% of the freshmen from out of state, chances are you will meet some people who are not like you. On a small campus like BC, people don’t expect diversity, but it is abundant. A true cliche: people really can’t be judged by appearances. You might be surprised at how being open can bring rich friendships with like minded people who just happen to look and talk differently!

4. Jump in. Unpack your car. Take a deep breath. Hug your parents good bye. Jump into meeting people! The first few weeks of school are a window of opportunity for meeting people. Everyone feels just as awkward as you, so stick out your hand and introduce yourself to the person in line behind you, join other people playing frisbee on the Gillespie Commons, and participate with all of the Orientation activities, even if you think they’re corny!

5. Plug in. Get involved in a local church. Keeping your relationship with the Lord a priority from the very beginning of college is the most important “tip” I can give, and this includes a healthy church life. Many churches have “Adopt-a-Student” programs that connect you with a local family, which can be a great way to have a “home away from home.” If you don’t have a car, give the church office a call. Chances are, they will offer you a ride.

Any other tips for freshmen out there?