Celebrating our Heritage

One of the things we have been working on this summer is the updating our Archive that spans the hallway outside the theatre.

Installing the Archive wall Hangings

Installing the Archive wall Hangings

Not only have we been able to cover all of last seasons show (which I will include in this post) but we have been able to celebrate some of the past shows moving backward in our archive.

Wall of History

Wall of History

Celebrating our heritage as a dept., giving recognition to those who have paved the way for the current students.  Thus in an effort to also reach some of you alumni electronically who may not be able to visit the ‘WALL’ I have digitized some representations of what is on the wall.

Juliet and Her Romeo, Fall 2010

Juliet and Her Romeo, Fall 2010

Our hope is you will come back to visit us some day and also take pride in the fact that pictures from the productions you were in are being celebrated by all who come and see our shows as they pass by this wall of history before entering the theatre.

Bald Soprano, Spring 2011

Bald Soprano, Spring 2011

Stay tuned and over the next days and weeks I will post these pictures, and I hope you will take the opportunity to share a favorite moment or story about each particular production by leaving a comment here below. 🙂

Three Sisters, Spring 2011

Three Sisters, Spring 2011

These pictures will come up in no particular order (sorry), if after a couple of weeks you realize your favorite show has not been represented please comment to that as well.  Our archive is far from complete and we would love to have any and all pictures, programs, or other pieces that we could scan and add to our archive.

Archive Wall (so far)

Archive Wall (so far)

Theatre Festival “opening ceremony”

With storms rolling through the Metro Jackson area, we’ve decided to move our ‘opening ceremony’ to the world wide web.  The storms will have passed through in time for the rest of the evening’s festival events to continue as scheduled.

Opening Address:

On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of the Theatre department, I would like to share a few thoughts on the Belhaven Theatre Festival, which officially begins this evening and continues through Saturday, April 16.  While this is our inaugural festival, it is our sincere hope to make this an annual event.

The idea of the festival grew out of our desire as a department to create as many opportunities as possible for students to showcase their talents, their interests, and their gifts, particularly when it comes to the creation of new theatre.  We are excited about the slate of events this year, including the visits of our guest artists Rich Swingle and C. McNair Wilson.

The word ‘festival’ is derived from the word ‘feast’, which was used to describe not only a celebratory meal (often during times of plentiful supply), but also in connection to a religious ceremony or celebration.

The Greek word ‘theatron’, which is the basis for our word ‘theatre’, literally translates as “a seeing place.”  The word contains the implication that the theatre is a place to perceive, to visit, the action that takes place there; action which often includes the presence of the divine.

It is our hope that the Belhaven Theatre Festival will be that place where we may come into contact with, and enable ourselves to perceive, the divine.  That it will be a time of plenty, and that it will be a time of celebration.  A celebration of our community.

Our prayer for the Festival:


Our Father

And Creator

We give you praise

We thank you for your gifts to us

We thank you for the opportunity to offer them back

We offer you this Festival

An offering of our time, our talents, our energies, our focus

May it be a blessing to you

May it be a blessing to the audiences you bring

May you speak your Truth through us

May you guide our work

May you keep us safe

May your presence be with us

And bless us

We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ
