Engaging Students by Asking Questions

I found early on in my teaching that asking questions of random students through out the class, rather than wait for them to ask questions, was a much more effective strategy for keeping the students focused and engaged.  The trick is asking the RIGHT questions.

I found this article:  Blooms’ Critical Thinking Questions to Use In Class and thought I would pass it on.  I like that there is a link to a pdf with the chart in the article.  Using the questions from the various boxes will definitely challenge students to a higher level of thinking and should produce a more interesting classroom experience for everyone.

Characteristics of Adult Learners/Adult Expectations

Daines and Graham (2003) identified eight elements which commonly characterized adult learners. Foremost is that adult, unlike young learners, bring to their studies a significant base of experience and information gained over their lifetime. A great deal of this information will be relevant to what is being learned in the classroom and can easily be transferred by adult learners to their current learning. In some cases, established attitudes, patterns of thought and fixed ways of doing things can be disadvantageous for the adult learner, preventing him/her from seriously considering techniques, values, developments, or concepts which are new and unfamiliar.

Assuming responsibility is a key characteristic of adult learners. They are accustomed to being accountable for themselves, setting goals, and deciding how and when they wish to do things. Accordingly, when told to do without receiving a good reason, they may not respond well. Their knowledge base has expanded since leaving high school or college, although perhaps not from formal education. Rather, this knowledge will have been gleaned from their practice through trial, error and success.

Adult learners have better comprehension and ability to organize material into a meaningful picture. On the other hand, they may be less likely to learn under pressure. In many cases, they may lack confidence in their ability to learn and have a fear of failure or looking foolish. This may stem from negative experiences with primary or secondary schooling and is especially detrimental to later learning.

Patience with the learning process is another characteristic of the adult learner. They, in most cases, are satisfied with a time perspective that sees learning as a lengthy process, provided there are current successes along the path. Daines and Graham also pointed out that the learning commitment for adult is normally part-time. This is because adults normally have other responsibilities to family and career and, accordingly, are unable to devote much time to their studies beyond the confines of the course.

End of Course Evaluations – Sometimes They Sting

Dr. Chip Mason, Dean of Belhaven’s School of Business, sent me an article titled “Cruel Student Comments: Seven Ways to Soothe the Sting,” knowing we are moving back to paper evaluations for the Adult Studies courses.  I’m excited about this move because it means we will get a much better response rate, which will yield better information about the course and classroom instruction.  However, it also may yield more of those stinging comments which we all would rather not hear.  In this article by Isis Artze-Vega, she expands on the seven points below.  I encourage you to read the article.  This is always a touchy subject where it is easy to get defensive, but it is also can be one of the most useful tools available if approached from the right perspective, even if painful.

Seven Ways to Soothe the Sting:

1.  Analyze the Data

2. Resist the lure of the negative

3. Let your critics be your gurus

4.  Find counter-evidence

5.  Dwell on the positive ones.

6. Read them with a friend

7. Be proactive

Thanks, Chip, for sending this to my attention.



Infographics as Team Projects?

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am seeing more and more use of infographics in the education arena.  They actually remind me of poster presentations I’ve seen at various conferences.  What I like about them is the way they pull information together and organize it for clarity.  At this link (The Best Simple Tools to Create Infographics for Your Class)  you can find an article about several programs which can be used to create an infographic.  I’ve included a sample infographic below which I found at Google Images.  The point of this, I think, is that it would be a creative project for a Project Team assignment with some interesting discussion being generated in data collection, design, and presentation as well as the classroom presentation/explanation/defense.