Are you really okay?

How many times each day do we ask each other, “Are you okay?” Most of the time, it feels easier to say, “I’m okay or I’m good”. It is faster than trying to unpack the things that might be bothering us. The fact is that we are not always really okay. We need to be honest with ourselves and others.

When we are not at our best, we are unable to help others. We need to be able to connect, identify, and process our emotions…including the daily stresses that we face. Stress is a funny thing. It can come from the anxiety of what we are hearing, seeing, or have been through in the past. From a Christian perspective, God wants us to be healed and operate at our best. This takes work. We must learn to lay our fears, stress, pain, and anxieties at the foot of the cross.

I hope that this podcast from Focus on the Family encourages you as it has encouraged me.