Canvas Tips and HouseKeeping

If you are like me sometimes things begin to clutter up in Canvas making it more difficult to get in and do what I want to do – namely dive into teaching my course.  Here are some tips that if you take a few minutes to do will make your life easier.

  1. If your “Course” link is getting cluttered with all your previous courses you can easily de-clutter. From the Courses link, scroll down to the bottom and choose “All Courses.” Once you do that you will see a list of your courses with a star next to each name. Each course with a star will show up as a favorite in your Courses. Simply click on the stars that are highlighted to un-highlight them. This will make accessing your material much easier going forward.
  2. Your inbox shows the number of unread items in a circle superimposed on the icon. It is a best practice, and honestly just common decency, to keep that down to ‘0.’ Take a little time to clean up your inbox – that will make it much easier to notice when a student is trying to communicate with you.
  3. On your Dashboard you should see Announcements from the Dean at the top – be sure to read these as they include important information for which you will be held responsible.  They are usually full of useful information that can make your life easier or let you know about new features/changes.
  4. On the Dashboard the hamburger menu on the right (three vertical dots – think a bun with a hamburger patty in the middle) gives you options for how you see your courses (these are the same ones mentioned in #1 above). Please make sure that “Card View is selected as we have found that the other options can be problematic.

There will be more of these in the coming days so stay tuned.